Tope – Tofjan

Title: Tope.
Author: Tofjan.
City of publication: Londres.
Year: 2021.
Size: 330mm x 268mm.


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Tope (Vol. 1) is a collection of analogue and hand-printed photographs that portrays the chaotic, crowded and colourful energy of Mexico City and Oaxaca. Plagued by speed bumps – or speed bumps of unpredictable sizes and shapes – the streets of Mexico invite us to slow down and appreciate the fascinating daily life that unfolds in them: complex scenes composed of movement and juxtaposition that interweave and coexist in harmony under the golden light that covers them. This edition is part of a four-volume project to be completed in Mexico, with no deadline, in order to record both the evolution of the photographer’s work and the social and aesthetic dynamics that are constructed in his public spaces.

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