Círculo Sagrado (Sacred Circle) – Sixe Paredes

Title: Círculo Sagrado (Sacred Circle).
Artist: Sixe Paredes.
Papers: White Rough Sand 300 g/m2 (cover), White Smooth Sand 120 g/m2
Paperback Pur.
Printing; Grafiques Trema.
100 copies.
First edition: September 2020.
Format: 25x20cm.
Editor: RocioSantaCruz.


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This publication was published on the occasion of the exhibition Círculo Sagrado (Sacred Circle of Sixe Paredes), which took place from June 10 to September 9, 2020 in the RocioSantaCruz Gallery.

The exhibition coincided with the Covid19 pandemic, which paralyzed the planet. Hopefully, Sixe’s defence and awareness of the protection of nature will move from individual to collective action.

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