Selling Bricks and exposing architectural avant-garde

Title: Selling Bricks & exposing architectural avant-garde
Author: Antonio Giráldez López, Pablo Ibáñez Ferrera, HJ Darger.
Printing: Full color digital.
Archive: Antonio Giráldez López and Pablo Ibáñez Ferrera.
Text: HJ Darger.
Dimensions: 148x105mm.
Pages: 200.
Papers: Igloo Offset 140gr and 350gr.
Typography: Momentum Extended, by Pangram Pangram Foundry.


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Tattoos on the face, moving buttocks, gold chains, spilled bottles, tracksuits, sneakers, autotune, constant hi-hats and perreo are, today, the most effective vehicles for the diffusion and popularization of an architectural heritage otherwise relegated to the tedium of the Academy or the opportunistic approach of specialized magazines. Selling Bricks makes a tour through more than one hundred buildings located in Spanish urban music video clips.

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