Les banyes del croissant

Title: Les banyes del croissant
Author: Antonina Canyelles
Publisher: Lapislàtzuli
Illustrations: Marc Gil
Nº pages: 152
Format: 14 x 21 cm
ISBN: 978-84-947352-2-6


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Les banyes del croissant is a beautiful and long-awaited episode in the eternal battle that Antonina Canyelles wages against all vestiges of power. Her very fine darts attack any form of repression, whether it comes from religion, the prevailing Francoism, cold business, patriarchy or the alienation inherent in many of our common behaviors. With a good dose of magic, bohemian and critical thinking, it is about how this poet and free woman positions herself in the world. Antonina Canyelles is definitely the formidable bullet woman of Catalan literature.

Antonina Canyelles is considered one of the best living poets in Catalan language, protagonist of a short but consistent work. Winner of the prestigious Marian Aguiló Prize 1979 with Quadern de conseqüències, she has published Patchwork (1981), Piercing (2005), D’estructura singular (2007), La duna i la cascada (2013) and Nus baixant d’una escala (Lapislàtzuli, 2015).

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