Sombras Ocultas en el tiempo

Archive Books
Language: English
295 pages
210 cm × 150 cm × 0 cm
ISBN: 978-3-948212-67-4


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Edited by Andrea Pacheco González and Lorenzo Sandoval for FelipaManuela Ediciones (Madrid, Spain) and Archive books (Berlin, Germany), Sombras ocultas en el tiempo brings together a series of texts, chronicles, theoretical and visual essays around the idea of imaginary archaeology and radical imagination, poetic-conceptual universes that have been the backbone of the work of those who have contributed to this book. The publication provides a space for encounters between diverse knowledge, practices, aesthetics and languages that offer a critical view of history, narratives of identity and the relevance of the imagination in the collective construction of alternatives for living in the face of the decline of the Western project.

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