Outer Horizons No.2

Title: Outer Horizons No.2. Faire chanter l’espace. Art & Philosophy.
Edited by Galeria Horizon.
Text by: various authors.
Language: ENG, CAT & CAST.
Dimensions: 33 x 24 cm.
Soft cover, 112 pages, B/W.
Date: 2009.


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Outer Horizons No.2 under the title “Faire chanter l’espace”, the concept of creative space will be discussed through interpretation and interaction. We explore the concept of space in painting and music, literature as well as sculpture and architecture. Space has been a major concern in art throughout recorded history and, when considering all fields of endeavour, the topics are multiplied because of the number of ways space can be defined. These varied explorations of space in literature, painting, as well as music, sculpture and architecture is the focusing point of this issue of Outer Horizons.

Collaborating artists such as Peter Downsbrough, author of the cover, Tadao Ando, Michael Snow, Gabriel, Ralph Bernabei, Louise Bourgeois, Enric Ansesa, etc.. and texts by Jin Baek, Cesc Gelabert, Àlex Nogué, Rik Pinxten, José Manuel Berenguer etc. . .

Outer Horizons, starting from a point of diversity, will lead us to the grand dimension of the unity of solidarity.


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