Outer Horizons No.3

Title: Outer Horizons No.3.Creativity versus Art. Art & Philosophy.
Edited by Galeria Horizon.
Text by: various authors.
Language: ENG, CAT & CAST.
Dimensions: 33 x 24 cm.
Soft cover, 112 pages, B/W.
Date: 2017.


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Outer Horizons No.3 will discuss the concept of Creativity versus Art.

What remains of the established boundaries between disciplines? Can we once again call attention to worn out concepts such as manual skills, for example, in order to rescue a possible definition of art? Can barriers be broken down and there be no new limits set without dealing the established disciplines a mortal blow?

The binomial CREATIVITY VERSUS ART aims to be a broad question in the form of a completely open dialogue…

Collaborating artists such as Enrique Brinkmann, author of the cover, Antoni Tápies, Judith Sanchez Ruiz, Benedetta Tagliabue, Albert Watson, Rafa Forteza, José Luis Guerin etc. and texts by Arnau Puig, Tomás Paredes, Mathew D’Abate, Jaume Vidal etc.

Outer Horizons, starting from a point of diversity, will lead us to the grand dimension of unity.

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