Las fotos que nunca hice

Title: Las fotos que nunca hice
Publisher: Ediciones Posibles
Author: Alex Llovet
First Edition: 500 copies
Size: 14 x 21,5 cm
240 pages
ISBN: 978-84-09-18599-3


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Halfway between travelogue and autobiographical fiction, this novel is the literary debut of Alex Llovet, renowned for his photographic work and for being part of the musical group The Pinker Tones. A passionate story of friendship, love and family, which explores the meaning of maturity, ambition and creative processes, to become a profound tribute to anonymous artists.

Over the course of four decades, Las fotos que nunca hice narrates the life of Carlos, a sensitive, insecure and slightly hypochondriac amateur photographer from Barcelona, and the circumstances that will push him to confront his fears in order to pursue his dreams. He is accompanied by his partner Alice, his two daughters Laila and Pixie, and his friends: Pablo, a successful graphic designer, Juanma, a singer with stage fright, and Luz, a seriously ill argentinian painter.

A scathing look at the world of art and creation, not without humour and profoundly humanistic. Pages where life throbs and the paradoxes of existence resonate, with its radiant joy and its fearsome cruelty, but above all pages that are moving for their honesty and sensitivity.

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