Not about lockdown

Title: Not about lockdown. A diary by Alex Llovet.
Photographs, edition and design: Alex Llovet.
Publisher: Ediciones Posibles.
Size: 15 x 20 cm.
44 duotone photographs + 4 in color.
92 pages.
Paperback binding with three-color stamping and cloth on the spine.
Texts by Alex Llovet in Spanish, English and French.
Publication date: March 1, 2021.


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On July 26, 2020, Alex Llovet landed with his wife and two daughters in Bristol, UK. Because of COVID-19, a few hours earlier the British government had imposed a fourteen-day quarantine on citizens from various countries, including Spain.
Llovet took all the images of this work during his confinement, in an old isolated house in the middle of the forest in Cornwall, an idyllic place where his in-laws live. The author questions with his camera the limits between reality and fiction, and manages to capture our most intimate fears and hopes arising from this global crisis, sublimating the everyday life of his family to reveal realities beyond appearances.
In her own words: “In a context as dystopian as it is disconcerting, I turned the photographic act into a poetic refuge from which to palliate the effects of the lack of freedom, because even paradise can become a prison if they force you to stay in it”.


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