Hacia una arquitectura menor (Towards a minor architecture)

Title: Hacia una arquitectura menor (Towards a minor architecture)
Editorial: Bartlebooth
Author: Jill Stoner.
Translation and prologue: Lucía Jalón Oyarzun.
No. of pages: 210.
Size: 115×190 mm.
Papers: Munken Pure of 80 grs and graphic cardboard of 275 grs.
Digital printing. Sewn binding.


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Architecture can no longer be limited to the art of making buildings, it must also invent the policy of undoing them. Jill Stoner addresses throughout these pages the construction of a minor architecture, a way of operating (in) the space around us. In front of the ruins of a landscape full of disused buildings and shopping malls, modeled by heroic architects, she proposes us to acquire the sharp look of a hacker, journalist or handyman. That is to say, to become minor architects.

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