El eco está en todas partes

Title: El eco está en todas partes.
Publisher: Alias.
Author: Manuel Rocha Iturbide.
Language: Spanish.
Size: 17.5 x 24 cm.
Pages: 253.
Binding: Softcover.
Printing: two-ink + Colour insert.
ISBN: 978-607-7985-17-4.


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Manuel Rocha Iturbide is a Mexican composer recognized for his exploration of the acoustic environment transformed into musical pieces, electronic compositions and sound installations. His investigations of soundscapes around the world have turned him into a forerunner in contemporary musical composition. In “El eco está en todas partes” the author presents his vision of electroacoustic composition through various essays, specialized articles, scores, photographs, sketches, descriptions of pieces and installations, as well as works created throughout his career. It also depicts a multidisciplinary artist capable of finding resonances and reverberations from his exploration in the everyday context, thus enriching the perspective of today’s music.
The book begins with a conversation with Guillermo Santamarina, and also contains a personalized glossary with more than forty musical and electro-acoustic terms. This publication was supported by the Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes through the Programa de Fomento a Proyectos y Conversiones Culturales Vigésimo Novena Edición, 2013.
“Through the unfolding of the sound object I intend to show different perspectives of the same thing. This process would be equivalent to visualizing a sound in three dimensions”. -MR.

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