Como verde y el paisaje inalcanzable

Title: Como verde y el paisaje inalcanzable.
Publisher: Muga.
Author: Gema Pastor Andrés.
LUR Essay Library Collection.
Year of publication: 2019.
Size: 10,5 x 15 cm.
Pages: 48.
ISBN: 978-84-09-13981-1.
DL: BI-1354-2019.


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Gema Pastor Andrés invites us to think about the cultural evolution of representation and landscape by analyzing some examples of contemporary photography.
Como verde y el paisaje inalcanzable. Paradojas del (cuerpo y el) paisaje fotográfico contemporáneo addresses our relationship with the current green (natural) landscape posed by contemporary photography. The analysis is made on specific images that deal with the subject by applying a methodology based on the ontological definition of landscape. Gema Pastor Andrés reveals in this essay the approaches that mobilize artists and the possible actions in these contemporary landscapes. The lucid look at our environment contained in each photograph raises the possible relationships with the contemporary landscape beyond the frame of the picture.

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