Ante el placer de los demás

Title: Ante el placer de los demás.
Publisher: Muga.
Author: Rubén Ángel Arias.
LUR Essay Library Collection.
Year of publication: 2019.
Pages: 48.
Size: 10,5 x 15 cm.
ISBN 978-84-09-10909-8.
D.L. BI-675-2019.


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A Ante el placer de los demásRepresentaciones del ocio a cielo abierto, Rubén Ángel Arias describes and confronts the models and clichés from which author’s photography has portrayed the seasonal leisure of the popular classes. In the essay, Arias traces a brief review of those works that have made leisure the raw material for the construction of an aesthetic of the ridiculous and the extravagant, without forgetting the most transcendental and idealized versions that have updated the bucolic tradition coming from painting or the works whose approaches have built bridges with anthropology and sociology. From these three vertices, the author makes a sharp journey through the works of Martin Parr, Justin Kimball, Cristina de Middel, Xavier Ribas, Txema Salvans, Yosigo, David Salcedo and Bego Antón, among others.

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