Eva Hesse

Title: Eva Hesse.
Publisher: Alias.
Author: Lucy Lippard.
Language: Spanish.
Size: 14 x 21 cm.
Pages: 368.
Binding: Softcover.
Printing: two-inks.
ISBN: 978-607-7985-23-5.


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In this book, Alias presents the reprint and Spanish translation of Lucy Lippard’s historic work originally published in 1976 about her close friend Eva Hesse. An intimately inspiring journey for any reader, it allows one to enter the artist’s mind with empathy, making it possible to enjoy her close bond between life and art. Lippard gives us an overview of every stage of Hesse’s personal and artistic process; her years as a painter, her time at art school, her first experiments with sculpture and of course her great concern to question her experience as a woman in the art world and how this influenced her work and environment.

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