La casa de piedras

Title: La casa de piedra
Author: Marta Sellarés
Publisher: Ediciones Anómalas
Nº pages: 80
Size: 14 x 10 cm
Design: underbau
ISBN: 978-84-09-25736-5


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The House of Stone is a project that unfolds through the labyrinth of relationships between places and individuals, reviewing those created and felt imaginaries that are a constant in our memory. Perceived more or less consciously, this sphere is expressed in our interior while, in turn, we express ourselves in it, and thus configure our personal living space.

In this way, the work revolves around familiar spaces and what takes place in them. Each element is photographed from an autobiographical point of view, charting an emotional map of a specific way of relating to and with space.

Marta Sellarés (Calatayud, 1996) . Having obtained a degree in Fine Arts, Marta currently combines her training with her job as a teacher and her own personal work. The exploration of territory is a common thread in her oeuvre, which pursues her own personal vision of her surroundings and includes references to memory, the emotion rooted in space and the search for the unusual that envelops human experience.


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