Desde la isla cuántica

Title: Desde la isla cuántica
Author: Eugeni Gay Marín
Publisher: Ediciones Anómalas
Nº pages: 96
Size: 22 x 17 cm
Design: underbau
ISBN: 978-84-09-00316-7


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“Isla del Sol on Lake Titicaca is located at 3800m altitude. Old sacred place, legends say Manco Capac and Mamma Occlio departed from there to found the city of Cusco and the Inca empire. Today is inhabited by three Aymara communities.

Two and a half hours by boat from the nearest town has remained relatively isolated for a long time, until the entry, not many years ago, of tourism.

The island keeps ancestral rites, sacrifices of llamas or night ceremonies at mountain tops. It is a magical place, eagles predict the fate of people, are able to predict death; flying women; light entering the lake; gold comes and goes; souls who attack by night; a sacred city sunk around and even someone believes the island is the ark of Noah and the Titicaca Lake is originated during the Global Flood.

I went there for the first time in 2006 and since then I have returned 7 times, first attracted by the landscape and calm that were there, later I started to realize that the island was much more, a way of understanding the world around us completely different from the Western vision. Other values, other priorities who have made this place so special.”

Eugeni Gay

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