Festival Lumínic – Catálogo

Title: Catálogo
Author: Festival LUMÍNIC
Publisher: Self-publishing


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Catalogue of the latest edition of LUMÍNIC, the photography festival in Sant Cugat del Vallès that has been promoting auteur photography since 2019. LUMÍNIC floods Sant Cugat del Vallès, transforming it into a meeting point for photography lovers. It bursts into the city to study photography, generating new spaces for knowledge and reflection, with an inclusive and participatory character. In a week of opening and two months of running, a full programme of exhibitions, talks, workshops and round tables will be held. Based on a new thread each year, visitors will be able to enjoy the work of established and emerging authors, both national and international.

LUMÍNIC is a platform that works all year round, generating synergies with other cultural agents for the promotion of photography.

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