Assaig S.T 1909-1919 - Gonzalo Elvira

Book following the exhibition “Assaig S.T 1909-1919”.
Texts by Osvaldo Bayer and Óscar Alonso Molina.
PH study design.
Photographs Ariel Ballester and Hernán Galbiatti.
English translation Mariana Viotti.
Soft cover. Measure 21 x 15 cm.
Texts in Spanish and English.


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100 years after the Tragic Week of Buenos Aires we present in the Parque de la Memoria, Assaig S.T. 1909-1919 by Gonzalo Elvira, an Argentine artist based in Barcelona. The exhibition brings together a set of works that intersect the events of the “tragic weeks” that took place in Barcelona (1909) and Buenos Aires (1919), and bring to the present (2019) the possibility of questioning the crisis of political representation , social and economic that go through these 100 years of history.
Elvira presents an essay in which the image allows us to think about the timelessness of its status, about the ability to establish meanings outside of its time and, above all, about the possibility of universalizing the incapacity of a system that throughout history replicates the same logic.

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