Wilfredo Prieto, Loophole (AL Series n.3)

Barcelona: ArtsLibris, 2018
In collaboration with the Annet Gelink galleries,
Kurimanzutto, Massimo Minini and Nogueras Blanchard.
800 copies: 400 in Spanish and 400 in English.
[600] p., in 4 volumes
5.5 x 5.5 mm
Off-set printing in 4 colours, paperback
ISBN: 978-84-09-01109-4
Distribution: ArtsLibris


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Loophole consists of four books (and a colophon) of a very small size all kept in a case designed for the occasion. This book extends Prieto’s series of artist books that share a small format and a hole that, acting as the main protagonist, mints them and passes through them. A constitutive element, the hole, of minimalist reminiscence, which we can understand as a derivation of his interest in those corporeal, circular objects that often form part of his sculptures, drawings and photographs.

This edition offers, on one hand, a singular formalisation that it possesses in the extremely small format (4 x 5 cm) a special nature that leads us to think of precedents like Dieter Rotho by Michelangelo Pistoletto, both interested in making small-format editions. Likewise, the circular hole as a refers us to a constant that is found in Prieto’s sculptures and objects, be it a coin, a ball of wool, a cup, a rubber bullet made of chocolate or a pea, it is about elements that foment contemplation of circularity, a recurrent theme in his work.

Loophole includes images of moments and places that the artist has experienced: from a plane ticket to a credit card, from a bill for breakfast in Venice to a visiting card, that show us the daily experience of the artist and help him to rewrite his personal history.

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