Picasso. Obra catalana

Title: Picasso. Obra catalana.
Publisher: Enciclopèdia Art.
Author: Eduard Vallès.
Work composed of two books, both in a box-case.
*See details of the two books below the images.


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We present the largest compilation ever made of Pablo Picasso’s Catalan work.

Eduard Vallès, director of this work, writes in the prologue: “Picasso’s relationship with Catalonia is one of the most important episodes in the history of Catalan art”.

Picasso, the greatest painter of the 20th century, was formed and developed artistically in Catalonia. Born in Malaga, he spent his childhood, followed by his family in La Coruña and then finally in Barcelona in 1895:

– He arrives in Barcelona in 1895, aged 14.
– He stopped living in the city in 1904, when he moved to Paris.
– He visited Catalonia regularly until 1917: Huerta (today, Horta de Sant Joan), Gósol, Cadaqués, Ceret and also Barcelona.
Throughout his life he would keep in touch with Catalan friends and would show his attachment to Catalonia. Proof of this is the enormous donation of his own work to the Picasso Museum in Barcelona.

– Academic training.
– Contact with the modernist artists, Los Cuatro Gatos.
– Great admiration for Ramon Casas, Santiago Rusiñol and Isidre Nonell.
– Very young, he already makes his place in the Catalan artistic scene.
– Creation of his first personal style, clearly modernist.
– Outbreak of the blue period.
– Creation of Cubism as the first style to break with tradition.

Work made up of two books, both in a box-case.

Large-format work, with full-page or full-size reproductions of Picasso’s paintings.
A book with a study on Picasso’s work made in Catalonia.
VOLUME: Picasso, Catalan Work.
Format: 30 cm x 40 cm.
Pages: 400.
Illustrations: 185.
Printing: 4+4 inks.
Binding: hardback, half-cover, half cloth.

STUDY BOOK: Picasso and the Catalan literary world. 1897-1904.

A study book that deals, for the first time, with Picasso’s relationship with the Catalan literary world (1897-1904).
Author: Eduard Vallès.
Format: 21,5 cm x 28,5 cm.
Pages: 192 approximately.
Illustrations: 75.
Printing: 4+4 inks.
Binding: hardback.

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