Title: per_cromwell.
Publisher: Puigfaura.
Authors: Vicenç Altaió and Per Cromwell.
Case 282 x 282mm. x 15mm. of spine.
Book: Unprinted chrome hardcover.
120 pages printed in 3+3 inks, tritones.
Binding: Hardcover sewn with black thread.
Language of publication: English edition with original in Catalan and translation into Spanish and Swedish.
Year of publication: 2018.
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A black and white photograph captures our attention in a disturbing way. One day after another, new photos are published. It’s the magic of the networks: you don’t know who, or from where, or how… but a few hours ago another new one was just posted.
Another new one. Impressive. Suddenly, without knowing it, the images of someone – yesterday for us a perfect stranger – become an intrinsic part of us. And so we decide, avidly and impulsively, that these images might be worthy of a special edition.
Impact, colour, life… The author of these photographs is Per Cromwell, a photographer who enjoys a photographic gaze with a special, almost unique sensibility, with which he captures in each snapshot something indefinite and indeterminate that transports you to the future, to a new dimension. In another creative field – writing – this communicative skill is also possessed by the poet and essayist Vicenç Altaió.
Vicenç Altaió, who, with his literary stroke and highly sensitive and suggestive capacity, has the gift of knowing how to transport us to another orbit, discovering an alternative and different reading of thought.
The joint creative explosion of Cromwell and Altaió surprisingly fits together in this book in a perfect duality; this gives rise to a structure that gives shape and structure to the volume you have in your hands, where the photographic and literary poetics merge to take hold of the reader on each double page.
Felip Puig and Roser Faura, editors.