
Title: Artoons
Author: Pablo Helguera
Publisher: Consonni
Size: 130 x 200 mm
204 pages
Edition: 2016
Translation: Álvaro Perdices
Prologue: Octavio Zaya
Design: Maite Zabaleta
ISBN: 978-84-16205-23-3


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As in the mythical New Yorker cartoon, the artist Pablo Helguera recovers the technique of caricature to generate an exaggerated and sometimes distorted portrait of the art world. This book compiles a selection of 187 drawings, translated into Spanish for the first time by the artist Álvaro Perdices, which Helguera published between 2009 and 2016. This edition has a prologue by the critic and curator Octavio Zaya.

Pablo Helguera (Mexico City, 1971) is an artist, cultural pedagogue and writer based in New York. His work focuses on themes that oscillate between history, pedagogy, sociolinguistics, ethnography, memory and the absurd, which he addresses through a variety of formats such as reading, museum exhibition strategies, musical performances and written fiction.

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