Title: Alfa-Beta-Asín
Authors: Luís Asín, Joan Fontcuberta, Arturo Leyte, various artists
Publisher: LA OFICINA
Edition: 2017
Binding: Cartoné
Format: 184 X 248 cm.
Nº pages: 92
ISBN: 978-84-946158-5-6
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This photographic alphabet links an initial letter to a paradigmatic name; to those for whom letters constituted their instruments and also the material of their work. Thus Benjamin, Goethe, Descartes, Hölderlin or Luther appear, but they could have been others; Borges, Góngora, Darwin, Homer or Leopardi; without the power of the initial or the allegorical power of the associated image having yielded at all. They may be in this book the images of a ruined cemetery in Rilke’s “R”; the graphic mark of Bentley linked to the angel of history in Benjamin’s “B”; a snowy and mystical vineyard linked to Teresa of Jesus’ “T”; the strange signaling of Luther’s “L” linked to a decayed urban road or the truck that in Unamuno carries the letter “U” as if it were a coffin; may be in this book those quotes or others, making literature simply evoke the sense of the letters reduced to pure images, but always identified in an environment, to further mark their concrete presence.
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