20 Toneladas (Arte Contemporáneo para Turistas)

Title: 20 Toneladas (Arte Contemporáneo para turistas)
Author: Luis Izquierdo-Mosso
Publisher: Lapislàtzuli
N.º pages: 332
Format: 17 x 22 cm
ISBN: 978-84-122183-1-2
Book with color photographs.


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Really, is that art? This could be the recurring question that emerges from the pages of this book. Because 20 Toneladas (Arte Contemporáneo para Turistas)  is an impressive journey through the entire history of modern art, that is, through all those works that shake our most established ideas about art, that fall on us like an anvil. 20 Toneladas is a funny and irreverent book, an absolutely visual book both in its writing and in its images.

Because Luis Izquierdo-Mosso is a philosopher and an artist. And if art oozes from every pore of his body, so does his well-armed and original discourse, the words that take us through this crazy book that is 20 Toneladas.

“If before a work of art you feel uneasiness, hilarity, drowsiness, indignation, anguish, flatulence, tedium, curiosity, headache, desire to call your sister-in-law or take a selfie, nostalgia, hunger, nothing, sexual excitement, apnea, shame, urticaria, nausea or, simply, an intense desire to send it all to hell, the same thing can happen to you reading this book” (Luis Izquierdo-Mosso).

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