Les Transformacions

Title: Les Transformacions.
Publisher: Lapislàtzuli.
Author: Johannes Eyckermann.
Ilustrations: Oriol Tuca.
Design: Helena Tarrés.
Pages: 52.
Format: 13 x 15 cm.
ISBN: 978-84-947352-4-0.


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It is known that Nicolaus Copernicus worked under the guidance of a group of leading experts. Between 1512 and 1515 the mathematician Johannes Eyckermann collaborated with him. Among the material in Copernicus’ archives is an unfinished collection of poems signed by Eyckermann and entitled The Transformations. What did Eyckermann intend to do with The Transformations? This has been, until now, a mystery that hides other mysteries: what is a book of love poetry doing among Copernicus’ study papers? Why incomplete? What impact did these verses have on Copernicus’s life? Who is hiding behind the name Pandora? Was this Pandora Copernicus’s lover? Is Eyckermann describing the evolutions of the love triangle in which he is immersed?
Touched by magic, by the idleness of the slow hours of Leipzig or by sheer luck, Elies Barberà made this discovery twenty-five years ago. The thickness of the poetic material is some five hundred years old and yet it is now presented to us with an almost scandalous modernity.


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