Putes i consentits

Title: Putes i consentits
Author: Antonina Canyelles
Publisher: Lapislàtzuli
Prologue: Albert Mestres
Illustrations: Marc Gil
Nº pages: 256
Format: 14 x 21 cm
ISBN: 978-84-949751-5-8
Special edition with illustrations


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The poetry of Antonina Canyelles is like the vision of a shooting star, like a trait, like a guillotine. With the luminous passage of the comet, with the explosion of gunpowder, with the fall of the steel cut or with one of her poems, no one remains indifferent, something changes or stirs within the gears of the reader. Because hers is not only a great work of this complex genre called poetry, it is a trait of the purest literature shot in the middle of our sternums.

Putes i consentits is a two-headed work: a broad anthology and a forged sample of 33 unpublished poems by this extraordinary poet.

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