El nus la flor – Enric Casasses
Title: El nus la flor.
Publisher: Edicions Poncianes.
Author: Enric Casasses.
ISBN: 978-84-7226-828-9.
Year: 2020.
Language: Catalan.
Pages: 284.
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This collection of poems by Enric Casasses includes the poems he wrote in various notebooks over the course of three years and the drawings that accompanied them. It is published in color and with a design that seeks to reproduce the chaotic and eclectic format of the handwritten and hand-painted notebook, with the poems spread across the pages in various sizes and arrangements. The whole is a mosaic of “trencadís” that reconstructs a whole world: the world, with a style that goes from the most elementary realism to the wildest fantasy.
According to the author, “this book is a vital moment of a few years turned into a global vision of everything, it is a poem of the world that takes all the forms and tones and moods … and as soon he speaks of love or intimate relationship, as of nature and the city, and raises philosophical and metaphysical questions, and makes essay and criticism and satire and sarcasm of things and literary and vital opinions, and therefore has the form of verse, prose poetry, sometimes essay, aphorism also a lot, and almost also of small narratives.