Capses secretes – Joan Ponç
Title: Capses secretes – Joan Ponç.
Publisher: Edicions Poncianes.
Author: Several authors.
ISBN: 978-84-614-5486-0.
Year: 2010.
Language: Catalan.
Pages: 84.
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The “Capses secretes” contain the space of freedom that Joan Ponç sought in the waiting rooms of hospitals in the south of France, where he had to go for five years because of serious health problems. They are made up of four hundred and twenty-four drawings in Indian ink and watercolour, which the author arranged in the series: “Minigeperuts”, “Estranya”, “Degollats”, “Cap-espelmes”, “Èxtasi”, “Espurnes”, “Irregulars”, “Degenerats” and “Celestial”. The book also includes approaches to Ponciana’s work by Jordi Carulla-Ruiz, Sílvia Muñoz de Ímbert, Arnau Puig and Alèxia Sinoble, and recovers texts by Rosa Queralt, Luis Goytisolo, Fernando Arrabal and Jean-Clarence Lambert, among others, written expressly for the catalogue of the first exhibition of “Capses secretes”, in 1983.
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