Piedra fundacional – Ilán Rabchinskey

Title: Piedra fundacional.
Publisher: Muga.
Author: Ilán Rabchinskey.
Year of publication: 2019.
Pages: 28.
Size: 14 ×21 cm.
Limited edition of 80 numbered copies.
ISSN 2530-0768.
D.L. BI-1130-2019.


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Geology and the mineral kingdom as central themes to reflect on how human beings perceive timelessness.

“These stones, of ordinary and disconcerting shapes, show a perfection that could reveal the trace of a cosmic intelligence manifested in all matter”. Ilán Rabchinskey

Piedra fundacional, by Ilán Rabchinskey (Mexico), is the number 35 of the Pewen Photography Notebook collection.

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