Impasse 10

Title: Impasse 10.
Published by: La Panera.
Languages Catalan and Spanish.
Pages: 359.
Rustic Covers.
Size 13 x 20 cm.
ISBN: 978-84-96855-43-4.


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The collection of books “Impasse” proposes a reflection on themes arising from the field of visual arts that may be of special interest to a wide and diversified art sector, as well as on specific issues closely linked to the activity of La Panera Art Centre. It is in this context that the need arises to highlight the importance of artist’s books and special editions, since, despite their continued presence in the avant-garde art spheres, it is perhaps at this time that a renewed interest can be observed amongst younger generations.
This volume traces a character outline, starting with Duchamp to reach very young artists, for whom self-publishing has become an excellent instrument to undertake publishing projects. Yet, we have not only considered the role of the artists, but also of other agents, such as designers, gallery owners, critics and exhibition curators, who play a crucial role. We have thus sought to include the heritage work carried out by certain museums and art centres, with their libraries and documentation centres, which will make it possible to review the critical role that these published materials, often considered complementary or of relative importance, are playing in many artistic projects.
– Books and publications: from an attempt at genealogy to current drift: Francisco Javier San Martín, David Perez, Amanda Cuesta, Antònia Vilà, Alberto Sánchez Balmisa.
– Artists, designers, gallery owners, publishers: the role they play: La Más Bella Javier Peñafiel / Álex Gifreu Francesc Ruiz / ferranElOtro Rubén Grilo / Maribel López Raimond Chaves / Sílvia Dauder Peio Aguirre
– Heritage artist’s books and special editions: Mela Dávila Freire, José Arturo Rodríguez Núñez, Glòria Picazo.
– The importance of universities in this publishing sector: Manuela Martínez Romero (La lata), Alicia Vela / Eloi Puig / Eugènia Agustí.

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