Cerralbo Santomà

Title: Cerralbo Santomà
Authors: Chus Martínez, Ignacio Vidal-Folch, Enrique Vila-Matas and Guillermo Santomà
Publisher: Caniche
Language: Spanish /English
Format: 240 x 320 mm
Graphic design: Raquel Quevedo
ISBN: 9788-49-45161-8-4


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“I find very suggestive your purpose of searching in the abundance of the Cerralbo house for the most interesting errors, the incongruities, what is absent, precisely what is missing. I associate this interest with a vague and ancient desire of yours to disappear. A desire paradoxically associated with your hyper-presence: the more you disappear, the more you are. The desire to disappear was your way of being, of super-being… of superstar.

If instead of going to Paris, finally, Herzog-style, you walk to the Cerralbo to see the works of Santomá, I will accompany you, be sure of that. It’s just around the corner for you. And for me, farther away, but from my village, I can get there on horseback, looking for the rhythm of Moreau’s Horseman.”

A set of layers and layers of oblique and interwoven literature by Chus Martínez, Ignacio Vidal-Folch, Enrique Vila-Matas as well as Guillermo Santomà himself. All accompanied by the photographs of José Hevia and Rafa Castells who documented the intervention that took place during 2019 at the Museo Cerralbo in Madrid, produced by Side Gallery and Etage Projects.

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