Cecilia Vicuña. Veroír el fracaso iluminado

Title: Cecilia Vicuña. Veroír el fracaso iluminado
Author: Cecilia Vicuña
Publisher: Turner
Size: 20 × 26 cm
Nº pages: 390
Binding: Paperback with flaps
ISBN: 978-84-18428-62-3


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Monographic book on one of the most multifaceted and fundamental artists of contemporary Latin American art. An absolute figure of Latin American art on the international scene, Vicuña is considered one of the leading representatives of performance art, but she is also a writer, poet, activist and visual artist.

For decades she has been developing a varied and multidisciplinary body of work, constructed from words, images, environments and a combination of languages, media and techniques. Her work reflects her ongoing commitment to themes that encompass eroticism, colonial legacies, liberation struggles, collective happiness, indigenous thought and environmental devastation.

Under the direction of the critic and researcher Miguel Ángel López, the book includes essays by prominent authors and a selection of writings by the artist.

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