Andamios interiores

Title: Andamios interiores
Author: Manuel Maples Arce
Publisher: Alias
Size: 16.5 x 23 cm
Nº pages: 84
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-607-7985-31-0


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Poemas radiográficos by Manuel Maples Arce, published by the publishing house Cultura in 1922, is considered the first estridentista work. It appeared a few months after Maples Arce himself wrote and published Actual No.1, a flyer that was pasted on the walls of Mexico City and that exposed the characteristics of the movement.

Stridentism privileged direct action and sought to break with the established aesthetic canons; it criticized the traditions, conservatism and elitism of the cultural manifestations of the time. Andamios interiores inaugurated avant-garde literature by proposing a new subject matter and a language that exalted modern life, machines, the city and work, and at the same time sought to transmit the different experiences and perceptions of the “I”. The book, according to Maples Arce (whose title is a clear allusion to the urban universe of construction) “is associated with the idea that at the same time that the poet builds his work, he builds himself”.

Alias delivers to its public the facsimile of the original publication, unabridged and without additions, as part of a tribute to the Estridentista movement that includes numbers 9, 10 and 11 of the Antítesis collection.

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