11a Biennal d’Art – Leandre Cristofol
Title: 11a Biennal d’Art – Leandre Cristofol.
Publisher: La Panera.
A production of La Panera Art Centre, in collaboration with Sorigué and the Santander Foundation.
Edition: Paperback.
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Every two years, the Biennal d’Art Leandre Cristòfol aims to articulate a cartographic account of the presence of contemporary art in a more or less extensive area of influence, which extends from the south of France to North Africa and from Portugal to the Mediterranean coasts. And it does not do so thinking about the relevant themes that will be able to sustain the exhibition, but rather about its own territorial specificity: the context of Lleida, the Catalan scene and the national sphere; the three main axes that define the identity of La Panera as an art centre and its patrimonial contribution to the public collection of contemporary art in the city. The challenge posed by this event is not simple. Narrating a context is a very complex thing. To achieve this, the Centre d’Art La Panera makes all of its resources available. For the second consecutive edition, it sets up a curatorial team composed of both internal and external views; both institutional and independent profiles. In this case, the centre’s management was represented by the critics David Armengol and Julia Morandeira, as well as the heads of the Jabalina project -Jordi Antas and Antoni Jové-, and the documentation centre -Anna Roigé.
Mercedes Azpilicueta / David Bestué / Lúa Coderch / Joana Escoval / Ariadna Guiteras / Iratxe Jaio & Klaas Van Gorkum / Martin Llavaneras / Pere Llobera / La Más Bella / María Salgado / Mireia Sallarès / Daniel Steegmann Mangrané