Ustedes, los vivos – David Hornillos

Title: Ustedes, los vivos.
Publisher: Dalpine.
Author: David Hornillos.
Year of publication: 2018.
Design: Antonio M. Xoubanova / Printed in Artes Gráficas Palermo.
Pages: 872.
436 images.
Size: 11,2 x 14,9 cm.
ISBN 978-84-608-8928-1.


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For Ustedes, los vivos [You the Living] photographer David Hornillos once again worked in the vicinity of a train station in Madrid; this time on a vacant lot adjacent to Chamartín, the city’s North station. In a similar vein to his previous project Mediodía, this book follows a constant stream of characters as they traipse across a desert landscape that might once have been a graveyard. The work is threaded together by a fine horizon line that traces the path trodden by these humans.

Atocha and Chamartín are Madrid’s only two active railway stations – reverse sides of the coin, of the city and of David Hornillo’s photographic work. The suffocating orange that confines the characters in Mediodía is now a counterpoint to the blue fluidity of Ustedes, los vivos, where we gaze upon a metaphysical procession; the framed transit, naked and clean, of a cast of characters who are going nowhere because they are merely passing by.

Beings thrust into the world. Ustedes, los vivos frames a philosophical space and invites us to let our thoughts ramble on our condition as temporary entities and on existence itself.

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