Sota la llum del mar

Self-published with the support of the Democratic Memorial of Catalonia, Barcelona.
Texts by Cynhtia Young, Curator of the Robert Capa Archive at the International Center of Photography, New York, and Vicenç Altaió Writer, Poet and Essayist.
Language: Catalan, Spanish, English
Design: Underbau
Prepress: LaTroupe

Printing: Graphic Arts Palermo
Number of pages: 132
Size: 21x 27.5cm.
Edition: 500 copies
ISBN: 978-84-09-29377-3


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Sota la llum del mar by the Catalan photographer Espe Pons (Barcelona, ​​​​1973) is a photographic essay that aims to dignify all the victims of Francoism in Spain during the Civil War and after the war. The project is based on the story of the little brother of the photographer’s grandfather, Tomàs Pons Albesa, who was shot at the Camp de la Bota in Barcelona in 1941 at the age of 31. In order to follow this story, the author has visited the places that Tomàs Pons Albesa traveled during the last moments of his life and has compiled information from the time related to the case with the aim of reconstructing a history, until now, fragmented.

Sota la llum del mar was exhibited at the Palau Solterra Museum of the Vila Casas Foundation in 2020. In 2021 at the MUME, Exile Memorial Museum, at the Muzej Grada Beograda in Belgrade, and at the Montjuïc Castle with the Instituto of Culture of Barcelona.

The Sota la llum del mar photobook won one of the BancSabadell Foundation Awards at the ARTSLIBRIS 2021 International Artist Book Fair in Barcelona.


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