Title: Osciloscopio
Author: Daniel Muñoz
Publisher: Nocapaper
Nº pages: 64
Format: 16.5 x 0.5 x 23 cm
Language: Spanish/English
Edition: 2016
ISBN-13 : 978-8494232183
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This catalogue presents the process and the works that comprise it. It consists of 5 works made along a railway track in the region known as the Scottish Highlands, an isolated part of the European continent. The works that make up the project are installations and murals created along the railway route, although all the works are hidden from the eye of the train passengers. Tunnels, light boxes and other supports hold a series of works that aim to hide from the viewer’s gaze, raising a series of questions about the distance between the public and the work of art. The texts in the book are by Marcos Fernández (BLOUIN ART INFO), Sergio Albarracín (ELPHOMEGA) and Eduardo Espinosa. Design and layout by ROSH 333.