Okinawa Paradox – Joan Tomás
Title: “Okinawa Paradox”.
Author: Joan Tomás.
Published in Barcelona, March 2020.
Size: 38×28 cm.
60 pages + one page printed in onionskin paper.
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This publication has been financed and produced by: the CRICAO cultural association of Toulouse, the Garaman Hall cultural centre of Ginoza in Okinawa and the European Union Prize for Literature.
“An intuitive and rigorous essay between visual poetry about an unique place” – Pepe Baeza, photographer and graphic publisher.
“It is a gem, for photographic work and printing, a pleasant surprise.” – Xavi Millán, artist.
“It is an exquisite taste to have it in your hands, to review it, to unravel and re-page it, to contemplate the strength of images edited with exquisite taste. Yes, Joan Tomás makes it clear to us his ability to adapt his photographic projects to different formats. From the spectacular mural covering large public areas, to the spectacular laminated fanzine he just published. GREAT OKINAWA PARADOX ” – Toni Coll, photographer and galerist.
“Photographic essay by Joan Tomás. The relationship between nature, an ancient culture and the traces of time on the faces and the landscape. An exceptional proposal.” – Miguel Gómez, photographer and graphic publisher.
“Okinawa Paradox is a poetic and intense round trip, through the images taken and built by Joan Tomás, as well as texts that, like a mosaic, contemplate the multiple faces of an island and its people, its philosophy and his love for life. ” – Marta Peribañez, art-therapist.