Min Turab

Author: Roger Fats
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 97
Measurements: 18 x 25.5 cm
Language: Bilingual (ENG-ESP)
ISBN: 978-84-17047-19-1
Year of publication: 2017
€35.00 $39.95 MXN950.00


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For some years now, certain parts of the planet have been obscenely vying for the highest levels of extravagance, spectacularity and environmental nonsense fueled by petrodollars.

The vision that Roger Grasas proposes regarding these new urban centers in their unrestrained development has to do with a slightly different position: that of the outskirts, the edge, the periphery or the alley.
Each and every one of the images in this book, to a greater or lesser extent, indicate and are the reflection of a point of no return, of an alteration that not only annihilates certain views from a landscape perspective but, and much more importantly, certain lifestyles

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