Eduardo y Miguel
First edition: 1000 copies
Photographs: Ignacio Colo
Texts: Susana Kuras Mauer and Ignacio Coló (all in Spanish and English)
Design: Ricardo Baez
Edition: Possible Editions, Phree and RM
Prepress: The Troupe
Printing: SYL
Japanese binding
112 pages
58 color photographs
Publication date: April 2022
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Eduardo & Miguel introduces us to the daily life of the Portnoy brothers, two twins over 50 years old who have never been separated. They live together and work together, with no other family members or close friends. They only have each other. The unusual duplicity of their existence and the particular complementarity of their lives reflects, however, concepts as universal as the construction of identity, care for one’s own vulnerability or the way in which we face loneliness.
Designed by the prestigious Venezuelan designer Ricardo Báez, the book has two covers that correspond respectively to each of the twins, and can be read from both sides, functioning as a mirror that reflects them symmetrically into each other, until they converge. on the center pages.
Winning book of the first edition of the STAR PHOTOBOOK DUMMY AWARD organized by the Photographic Social Vision Foundation in loving memory of Inés Casals.