Birds – Jim Dine

Title: Birds.
Publisher: Steidl.
Artist: Jim Dine.
Pages: 88.
Limited edition (150).
Hardback / Clothbound.
29.5 x 31.5 cm.
Language: English.
ISBN 978-3-88243-240-4.


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“Hi, my name is Jimmy,” a crow said to the boy, Jim Dine, when his parents took him to the zoo. The two Jimmys got connected by a secret link. “Lots of things scared me when I was a little boy but this scared me and it also…I understood it.” The encounter with the bird was perceived by the boy as a mixture of fear, fascination and a deeper understanding of his unconscious world. The artist later transformed his remembrance into a fascinating series of black-and-white photos.

Are they symbolic, profound, mystic or just pictures of beloved animals? An everyday unspectacular bird might appear to the beholder as a character of mythology, as a jester at the medieval court, as a strange messenger of a world behind the scenes. Jim Dine speaks to the birds, and the bird answers, because they are on intimate terms.

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