Collages. Josep Mª Berenguer

Measurements: 25×30 cm

Pages: 42 pages

Publisher: multistudioBOOKS


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A collection of photomontages that Josep Mª Berenguer created at the end of the 70s, mainly to advertise the concerts that were held at the Casal de la Floresta. They are a valuable graphic testimony of the Casal’s golden age and, at the same time, an opportunity to publish, for the first time, an unpublished sample of Berenguer’s art.

Prologues by Mariona Berenguer, Mont Carvajal, Piti Español, Rodolfo Hoyuelos, Onliyú, Toni Ricart, Quicu Samsó and Oriol Tramvia.

Josep Maria Berenguer (1944-2012), editor, painter, illustrator, photographer, dome designer and bolero singer, was the editor and alma mater of the comics magazine El Víbora, an icon of the underground during the years of transition in Spain .

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