Visual Art: John Cage en conversación con Joan Retallack (Visual Art: John Cage in Conversation with Joan Retallack)

Title: Visual Art: John Cage en conversación con Joan Retallack (Visual Art: John Cage in Conversation with Joan Retallack).
Publisher: Metales pesados.
Author: John Cage.
Year of publication: 2011.
Number of pages: 169.
ISBN: 9789568415426.


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“I was obliged to find a radical way to work  to get at the real, at the root of the matter,” John Cage says in this trio of dialoguescompleted just days before his death. His search took him beyond the limits of the conventional in all his musical, written and visual works. The resulting expansion of the definition of art, with an added emphasis on innovation and inventionearned him a reputation as one of the most influential American artists. Joan Retallack’s conversations with Cage represent the first complete consideration of his artistic production, crossing disciplines, providing us with new insights into his persona and a more complete vision of the state of art in the twentieth century.

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