Atlas Mnemosyne

Title: Atlas Mnemosyne.
Editorial: AKAL
Author: Aby Warburg.
Number of pages: 192.
Size: 24 x 30cm.


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For the first time, a key work in artistic historiography is presented in Spanish, which is at the root of some of the main currents that have marked the development of the discipline in the last century, from Panofsky’s iconology to modern Visual Studies. Mnemosyne is the great project to which Aby Warburg dedicated the last years of his life and which was to summarize and crown all his work. To this end, he compiled some 2,000 images articulated in 60 tables in a great atlas that remained unfinished at his death. Despite the interest he had aroused among his contemporaries and the attempts made by the collaborators of the Warburg Library after his transfer to London, the material did not see the light until the edition of the Akademie Verlag carried out by Martin Warnke, one of the most prestigious art historians of the last decades. This edition, which scrupulously respects the work as Warburg left it, is the one that is collected in the book that the reader now has in his hands.

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