Tapetum Lucidum

Author: Martin Vitaliti
Publisher: ferranElOtro Editor
Date: February 2021
Language: Spanish / English
Format: 21.6 x 28 cm
Pages: 16pp
ISBN: 978–958–49–1423–1


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Availability: In stock

This publication retrieves the four original Science Fiction Prototypes comics published by the Army Cyber Institute in 2018 and puts them into dialogue. It uses a methodology of appropriation and pastiche that challenges the auratic quality of the original constructions. At the same time, visualize how they have been built and their function of giving greater power to certain positions. A strategy that allows him to undermine the mechanisms of ideology construction.

Working from existing images and representation techniques in visual culture is one of the most used deconstructive tactics in the postmodern critique of cultural authority and reveals the mechanisms that otherwise appear invisible and that feed hegemonic discourses. As the title of the publication suggests, it offers a mirror that improves vision in low light conditions.

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