Some things, from somewhere

Title: Some things, from somewhere
Authors: Cai Tomos and Debajo del Sombrero (Belén Sánchez, Andrés Fernández, Alberto de Torres, Itziar Martín, Luisma Herrero and Mario Batanero)
Publisher: Caniche
Language: Spanish / English
Format: 165 x 240 mm
Graphic Design: Setanta
ISBN: 978-84-945161-4-6


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The project Some things, from somewhere has been developed between 2017 and 2018 as a meeting point between Cai Tomos and six artists from Debajo del Sombrero. Cai’s invitation consisted in sharing a creative research based on the body, its movement and expression. Working together, for one week a month, at Naves Matadero, they embarked on a fascinating and enriching creative journey that underlines the relationship between time, honesty and waiting.

This journey, documented through videos, photographs, audio recordings, objects and written chronicles, has inspired this book.

Debajo del Sombrero is a platform for the creation, research, production and dissemination of art where the main protagonists are people with intellectual disabilities. Its workshops take place in spaces that enable learning and dialogue with other artists, as well as the realization of individual and collective projects.

Cai Tomos (Wales, 1979) is a movement artist whose work revolves around the search for ways to explore the stories of the body. Listening, in its broadest sense, is the central axis of his work when investigating with others. And his methodology has been key to the success of his international projects with diverse groups of all ages, backgrounds and abilities.

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