L’art del gravat

Title: L’art del gravat.
Publisher: Enciclopèdia art.
Authors: Various authors.
Format: 28,4 × 38,5 cm.
Pages: 352.
Illustrations: 290.
Case made of natural pine wood, polished and waxed, and with a hinged paper-covered cardboard cover. Closes with a system of embedded magnets.
The case has a double function as a container for the book and as a lectern for displaying it.


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Availability: In stock

“L’art del gravat” is a new contribution by Enciclopèdia Catalana to its collection of books on Catalan art. Under the direction of the prestigious gallery owner Artur Ramon, some of the main specialists of each period review the history of Catalan engraving, engraving understood in a broad sense, from the first engravings in azote of the Renaissance to contemporary creations linked to the irruption of digital printing.

The book consists of 6 chronologically ordered chapters that incorporate, at the end of each one of them, a gallery of images where the most outstanding engravings of each period are reproduced, full-page and in high quality. The book closes with a final chapter dedicated to the collection of engravings and a glossary of thermae.

The work is presented in an original and innovative lectern case that allows to read, enjoy and show off this magnificent bibliophile work with the maximum comfort and spectacularity.

A compendium of more than 200 engravings of the most outstanding authors in the history of Catalan engraving reproduced with excellent quality and fidelity, 140 of them in large format.
With works by the universal Miró, Picasso, Dalí and Tàpies, together with specialists in this discipline such as Pasqual Moles, Jaume Pla, Joan Barbarà, Sunyer, Nogués, Brossa, Guinovart, Ràfols-Casamada… or the more current Barceló and Plensa.

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