Brossa. Poemes visuals

Title: Brossa. Poemes visuals.
Publisher: Enciclopèdia art.
Artist: Joan Brossa.
Limited and numbered edition.
Large format book “Brossa. Poemes visuals” – Complete graphic work by Joan Brossa. Box size: 31,5 x 41,5cm. 344 pages and 160 visual poems.
Study book by Glòria Bordons and Marc Audí.
Object poem by Joan Brossa (A amb un punt).


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This work has been in charge of Glòria Bordons, director of the Joan Brossa Foundation. The visual poetry of Joan Brossa is of an indisputable richness: Brossa is internationally recognized as one of the greatest visual poets, if not the greatest. And it goes without saying, then, that he is indisputably the greatest of the Catalans. His creative capacity manages to make the reader enter a world full of suggestions and surprises, with images that are generally simple in appearance but loaded with subtlety.

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