ArtsLibris ARCOlisboa 2021

This year the edition of ArtsLibris ARCOlisboa 2021 is developed only virtually through the Arco e-xhibitions platform, the digital space dedicated to presenting exhibitions created by the galleries participating in ARCOlisboa.

ArtsLibris joins this initiative with the intention of generating new forms of exhibition and exchange in the world of publishing, art and thought through two modalities: the participation of national and international publishers that make up our physical and online library, as our COMMON TABLE for the virtual public, and the participation of publishers interested in participating as VIRTUAL EXHIBITORS in this edition.

The incorporation of ArtsLibris in ARCOmadrid six years ago and with ARCOlisboa three years ago, is a way to consolidate and extend our ties in an active way with our network of editors, readers and collaborators and above all with the artistic and publishing world of Portugal, Brazil, Latin America and Africa.

Artslibris Exhibitors lisboa

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