The ArtsLibris team is flexible, and it grows or transforms every year depending on the projects and the needs of the event, but always has the good fortune to include some professionals from different fields, who take interest in the artist’s publications and the photobooks from different perspectives. Currently, the people who collaborate with the project in a stable way to give shape and substance to the three calls of ArtsLibris in 2023 are the following:

Rocío SC Santa Cruz, founder and general director of ArtsLibris, studied at the École Estienne in Paris and is the initiator of the publishing label Raíña Lupa, created in the French capital in 1994 and moved to Barcelona in 2002. Involved in the world of galleries since several years, since 2015 she runs a gallery that bears her name in Barcelona.
The interconnection between art and literature, through projects such as the edition of illustrated books and the curating of exhibitions —such as Leer imágenes: el archivo fotográfico de Julio Cortázar and La palabra y su sombra, José Ángel Valente—, are her main interests. In her activity as a gallerist, her focal points are photography, experimental cinema and the publication of artist’s books. She conceives the gallery as a container of ideas, and a space for discussion and dissemination of contemporary artistic practices.

Andrea Soto Calderón, PhD in philosophy, currently resides in Barcelona, Professor of Aesthetics and Art Theory. She has developed her research in Valparaíso, Lisbon and Paris. Currently, in addition to her teaching activity, she develops an artistic research project in relation to the workings of images at the La Virreina Centre de la Imatge, in Barcelona. Her lines of research focus on the transformations of aesthetic experience in contemporary culture, criticism, artistic research, the study of image and media, as well as the relationship between aesthetics and politics. She has written several academic articles as well as texts for artist catalogs. Among her recent publications, she highlights her book “Le travail des images”, with Jacques Rancière, Les presses du réel, 2019.

Raquel Sayago, cultural manager, journalist and audiovisual communicator. Trained in Madrid and Barcelona. Passionate about books and artistic experimentation, focusing especially on film, photography and literature. 8 years spreading Catalan culture in Madrid. Currently coordinator of ArtsLibris.

Pedro Hugo Carmo, graphic designer formed by the Facultad de Bellas Artes of Porto and master in interaction design by the Elisava School. They highlight their projects in print and digital media in collaboration with artists, art centers, the Barcelona library network, architecture studios, dance companies and fashion brands.